Syncopated Pandemonium

New Years' in New York City

· Aniket

Last year we went to Manhattan for Christmas & New Year’s Day. This was the first time I used my Canon ELAN 7 as my primary camera and used it for about 8 rolls which included color film stocks from Kodak like Portra 400, Gold 200 and Ultramax 400. I tried using the black and white film stocks Kodak TriMax & Ilford Delta 3200 since shooting Ilford 6 years ago in Yosemite. I was scared of shooting an entire roll without color, but the photos from Trimax & Delta turned out to be my favorite. I used a local film developer from Downtown San Jose and it turned out good and cheap.

This time, we stayed around Lower Manhattan and like everybody does, we used the Subway for moving around. It was fun walking and strolling around the smaller neighborhoods of Manhattan.

Some of my favorites from the selection: Westside

Here are a bunch of more photos from the set: